Lacey Smith

Archive for August, 2011|Monthly archive page

“Who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for a time such as this?”

In Uncategorized on August 30, 2011 at 2:58 pm

In preparation for the 8/24 event we held at the Capitol last week, I read the book of Esther. I was struck not only by the courage of this woman, but also of the example it sets for us today.

The story of Esther is the story of an every-day woman who was essentially a refugee, an exile in a kingdom that was foreign and not understanding of her faith. Suddenly, she found herself in a position of great prestige as the queen of Persia.

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“Terrorists have no rights under our constitution”

In Uncategorized on August 11, 2011 at 8:52 pm

I’m watching the Republican debate on Fox News and I’ve heard some really good things and some really frustrating things.

One of the most disturbing statements I’ve heard all night is not a new one. Every time someone says it, I realize how little we really believe some of the core principles of our foundation.

Answering a question about terrorism Congresswoman Michelle Bachman said something along the lines that most terrorists are foreign agents and therefore have no rights under our Constitution.

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