Lacey Smith

Archive for the ‘The Real World’ Category

Titles of Honor

In Current Events, Politics, Religion, The Real World on February 19, 2013 at 5:37 pm

After a  busy-life forced hiatus (thanks, Superbowl… glad you only come once every three years or so), I had intended on returning to blogging with a totally different topic. I thought I was done talking about women, our roles, etc. and was moving on (after all, the giant wheel of government spins on, powered by insanity and ignorance). However, then I saw this article last Friday in Salon titled Stop calling us wives and moms.

Very little has made me so angry in a long time.

The article outlines a petition on to President Obama’s usage of the terms wife, mother, sisters and daughters (particularly in his SotU). While I agree that his “‘Father Knows Best’ paternalism” is condescending, I was far more bothered by the sentiments expressed by the petitioners that “Defining women by their relationships to other people is reductive, misogynist, and alienating to women who do not define ourselves exclusively by our relationships to others.”

Oh please gag me now. Read the rest of this entry »

It’s not that easy

In Religion, The Real World on January 22, 2013 at 12:00 pm

I am a very vocal advocate for a lot of things, not the least of which are traditional gender roles, traditional families, common sense conservatism, homeschooling and many other things that range from relatively benign to extremely controversial.

Despite my no-nonsense, take no prisoners defense of or advocating for these things, even I recognize that what is simple is not always easy.

Last week, I presented my case that women need to reject what the modern world claims is their role and return to their rightful place in the home. I believe this intensely, passionately. That is our right. As modern women, our attitude towards being a homemaker is much that of a prince rejecting the throne in favor of being a pauper. It’s a tragic idea. Read the rest of this entry »