Lacey Smith

In mourning

In Uncategorized on December 14, 2012 at 12:20 pm

I just wanted to put out a quick post in light of the tragedy that happened in Connecticut this morning.

In case you haven’t heard, at least 27 people – most of them young children – were killed this morning in a mass shooting at an elementary school.

Inevitably, this is going to be politicized and used to hold up various groups’ agendas. However, this is not about guns or school safety.

It’s about a truly despicable individual who brutally destroyed the lives of some of the most innocent among us.

This tragedy, especially this close to Christmas and given the age of the victims, is heartbreaking. Let us not lose sight of that is this gets spun into a political opportunity.

I cannot fathom what the families are going through, but God knows.

Today, and in coming days, I hope we can set aside politics and pray for the families and for the gunman. As hard as that is for us, it is what Christ taught.

My heart is with those families. God help us forgive.


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